Birds are ancient; they have been on Mother Earth for many millions of years. Their evolution is long and complex resulting in beings with hollow bones. Hollow Bones! By their actual physical structure, birds are a living example of allowing the Mystery to flow through us – to be a hollow bone for a higher purpose. A bird will sing for the pure joy of it. Sing your own song of joy with bird medicine.
The wonder and the Mystery, an ever constant for us to draw upon. Immersion in the powers of the winged beings through the intimate experience of a workshop is an opportunity to attune to a winged one in a unique way.
Crafting a feather fan, a sacred medicine tool for your personal use in your daily practice of smudging or in community healing and clearing from bird medicine is a true gift of communion. These workings are a day of being held in a sacred container – one filled with prayers and light, love and healing for all the greater good.
What would the Mystery want us to know? By being open to learning through the power of birds, the messages of the Mystery are manifold. The winged ones can teach us so much in their gentle way – about right timing and community, of knowing when to move on and how to be at home, of nurturing and about standing in our own power – all in a transcendental way. Each bird carries its own medicine, distinct healing powers.
”Birds make their nests in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours.” Black Elk