Open ♥’s, peace-full, joy-full, innocent children making prayers.

Seriousness and giggles. Rocks in socks. Singing songs of joy.
Calling in the Ancestors of the East (eat) – rattling, ringing bells, juggling wooden shakers, a singing bowl – bring the illumination, cast the Light of Understanding into the shadows of darkness. We listen with our inner wisdom and receive the gifts of the Earth – sunshine, cool air, no coats, many geese. What is your greatest joy? What is your vision? A girl who can fly, and willing to do double duty. One who tends to animals, a garden growing food, children of the future. A Shortstop who gives his extra riches away wanting boys and girls with little to experience baseball camp. A woman at peace with the water. Communing with the wild remote places on earth.
Lighting candles, we sent our blessings up – may we all know joy, have visions of a peace-full future.
There is a big responsibility in tending to our ♥s, the ♥s of others. A mother gently spoke… remember Paris… many people at this time are crying, many are suffering all over the world, painful things have occurred. South (soggy) medicine is for the whole and healthy ♥. Kindness. Love. Joy. Peace. Compassion. Raising our conscious intentions for ourselves and all others – offering the purity of child blessings for the wholeness, repairing the holes in ♥s with gladness, gratitude and love. Always on the other side of the darkest night comes the blessings of morning light. Even in the hard places. Shining. Luminous. Perfect. Love.
Lighting our candles, from one flame to the next, calling it forth, making it so for ourselves, sending the light to all others.
Sisterhood. Brotherhood. 17 generations in the past and 17 generations into the future. Digging deep into the shadows bringing light to the humble, which are holy. Luring gentleness into this time. Calling the Mystery, calling for grace. Connecting to the Water, hands wet, giving and receiving. We joyfully give our prayers and highest intentions, making blessing, fiercely rattling in abundance of Love. Allies of the West (waffles) it’s time now. Hear us. Feel us. See us. Sending up a call.
Our candles are lit.
Who is your Grandmother? Who is your Grandfather? And theirs? How far back in time are we related? Back. Back. Back. Perhaps our people were Cavemen. Surely. All our relations – stone nation, standing ones, four-legged, winged, swimmers, all you microbes and creepy crawly bugs – how have we been in relation with you as a human family? Wisdom Keepers of the North (never), what apologies can we make? What forgiveness can we extend? From our precious, sweet, pure ♥s we send a prayer for healing and reparations past hurts and harm! We won’t carry it forward. May all the generations coming be at peace. We are at peace with ourselves, with one another. We believe in Love.
We offer the very best of ourselves by lighting another candle.

The Circle is complete. A’ho!
Working with these beautiful young one is an honor. It’s a balance to maintain innocence and tell the truth about the goings on of the world. I left it to the grown-up to impart what prompted an altar for Peace. The children are wise, they are compassionate and giving, freely sharing themselves – pure love.
Everyday I make my own offering, everyday I pray for Peace.

Mitakuye Oyasin ~ All My Relations