“Happy. Happy. Joy. Joy.” ~ Ren and Stimpy
Elizabeth Gilbert suggests a happiness jar. A great idea that for me, became a joy jar. Recounting my joys – I can feel the sensation of joy in my body – I love how joy feels. Recreating this feeling again and again builds my cellular memories. The feeling becomes much easier for me to hold. It’s all a practice. I guess it just depends on what a person wants to be good at, to integrate more fully. For me that would be joy. Joy has seemed fleeting. Sometimes illusive. And joy is everywhere!
This first week of the year, already so many joy-full moments. I created the possibility of leading with my heart. Blind Girl Squirrel. Confrontation lead me to greater surrender and deeper trust, my open heart intact. Pilamaya RLS¹! I stood in my power for a teaching moment. And learned. Richard – happy happy joy joy!! Sunshine and the Mountain is out. I dreamed of geese.
Bonus Joy! My dear friend Pam is healthy.
It’s a good day to be alive.
Mitakuye Oyasin ~ All My Relations