Instead of plastics. Instead of something mass produced. Instead, a hand-crafted, personal piece of work just for you. Holding your intentions while holding your treasures and daily stuff.
Many years ago, long before I heard the call to this work, I read about possible bags. Just the very words were inspiration to me. In my work now, I keep many bags for all sorts of uses – several are used at home, numerous are for work, and some are for travel. Some are specific to particular medicine items. Others are multi-function as they are just the right size for almost anything. I carry smaller pouches within larger ones – they nest beautifully one within the other. I personally can never have too many bags.
Each bag, no matter how small or how large is blessed before it is created, honoring the animal who wore the skin. A ceremony to bless the beast who is now blessing me with it’s presence in our lives. Each piece is allowed to come forward with their own medicine, their own identity. Every piece is hand-stitched and each stitch is a prayer.
Tobacco pouches, herb pouches, bags for Tarot cards, bubbles and crystals, possible bags of all sizes and for all purposes – even to hold a smart phone or iPad. Cannunpa bags, drum bags and hard-sided satchels have come through as well, for every sacred item a leather bag to hold and protect it. The smallest personal medicine bags, a full sized cello case and sacred clothing for ceremonies and festivals have been crafted in the Soul Proprietor Studio.
Leather possible bags for home and for travel – work and play. I carry a tobacco bag wherever I go, you just never know what might need a prayer or offering. Each of my drums have a bags of their own. I even have a drum bag built for two. The hard-sided satchels can be used for book bags or carried to the office. They make great carry-ons for travel.
Leather goods for all your personal and sacred objects. Leather goods for gifts and giveaways.

Custom crafting is available at your request. Group or private workshops are readily scheduled.